Tuesday, February 23, 2010

SQL 2005 : Database Mail Setup

  1. Enable Database Mail feature via Surface Area Configuration for Features.
  2. In SSMS, Use Database Mail Configuratin Wizard to create account and profile.
  3. Select a default profile.
  4. Create Operator.
  5. If you would use Alert to notifiy operator, enable Mail Profile in Alert system option of SQL Server Agent.
  6. Restart the SQL Server Agent.
  7. You are ready to use Database Mail to notify the operator now.

ASP.NET Page Events Lifecycle

This is for my own reference purpose. The The original info comes from : http://weblogs.asp.net/ricardoperes/archive/2009/03/08/asp-net-page-events-lifecycle.aspx

When using master pages, the normal page event lifecycle is a little different. Here is the actual order:

  1. Page.OnPreInit
  2. MasterPageControl.OnInit (for each control on the master page)
  3. Control.OnInit (for each contol on the page)
  4. MasterPage.OnInit
  5. Page.OnInit
  6. Page.OnInitComplete
  7. Page.LoadPageStateFromPersistenceMedium
  8. Page.LoadViewState
  9. MasterPage.LoadViewState
  10. Page.OnPreLoad
  11. Page.OnLoad
  12. MasterPage.OnLoad
  13. MasterPageControl.OnLoad (for each control on the master page)
  14. Control.OnLoad (for each control on the page)
  15. OnXXX (control event)
  16. MasterPage.OnBubbleEvent
  17. Page.OnBubbleEvent
  18. Page.OnLoadComplete
  19. Page.OnPreRender
  20. MasterPage.OnPreRender
  21. MasterPageControl.OnPreRender (for each control on the master page)
  22. Control.OnPreRender (for each control on the page)
  23. Page.OnPreRenderComplete
  24. MasterPageControl.SaveControlState (for each control on the master page)
  25. Control.SaveControlState (for each control on the page)
  26. Page.SaveViewState
  27. MasterPage.SaveViewState
  28. Page.SavePageStateToPersistenceMedium
  29. Page.OnSaveStateComplete
  30. MasterPageControl.OnUnload (for each control on the master page)
  31. Control.OnUnload (for each control on the page)
  32. MasterPage.OnUnload
  33. Page.OnUnload

Friday, February 19, 2010

Steps to install dotProject

Add "dp_user" user to the MySQL.
1) Install Apache web server.

2) Install PHP to your web server.

PHP should support GD and MySQL

3) Install MySQL.

4) Add "dp_user" user to the MySQL.

5) Create a schema (Database) "dotproject" and assign user "dp_user" has full permission of this DB.

6) Copy all dotProject files to the htdocs folder.

- Open browser to access http://Your Domain/dotProject/install/index.php

- follow the step to complete the installation.

7) The default admin login is :

User Id : admin
Password : passwd

Prepare SQL 2005 to use CLR

1) Turn on the 'clr enabled" feature of your server.

sp_configure 'clr enabled', 1

2) Turn on the Trustworthy property of your database if your clr assembly require access external resources.